
This space is a collection of company announcements and blog posts from Reclaim Hosting staff. We’re so happy you’re here!

Indie Web Domains

Tomorrow Tim Owens and I will be talking with a group of faculty at Davidson College about their Davidson Domains initiative. Over dinner we were talking about how we could provide a broader context for the work we are doing … Continue reading

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The Next Evolution of Reclaim

Yesterday Tim Owens announced that he’ll be going full time with Reclaim Hosting in the new year, and that is pretty awesome. His post delineates all the amazing work he’s accomplished at UMW over the past three years—it’s a truly impressive … Continue reading

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Reclaim and the Translation of EdTech

Jim Groom on Reclaim and the translation of edtech from UCalgary Taylor Institute on Vimeo.
D’Arcy Norman posted this one video that parts of a larger documentary project he started while at UMW for the Reclaim Your Domain Hackathon. I don’t get to see D’Arcy … Continue reading

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The above GIF is from an episode of The Wire during Season 2. The docks are ubiquitous in season 2, and this particular image is a visualization of a cloned machine that captures the vanishing container—presumably filled with illegal cargo. I’m … Continue reading

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Reclaim the Web with Reclaim Hosting

Yesterday Tim Owens finished up the “10 Reasons to Reclaim” series on the Reclaim Hosting blog. Granted I’m biased, but I think what he’s laying down in that series—especially the #1 reason to Reclaim—is arguably the most innovative infrastructural work happening in edtech. … Continue reading

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Ten Reasons to Reclaim #1: The Full Package

This is it folks, the final day of our feature sprint here at Reclaim Hosting where we launched not just one or two things, but 10 completely new features or products. For us it represents and landmark moment for the trajectory of Reclaim and a commitment from us to where we

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Ten Reasons to Reclaim #2: Get Virtual

[av_notification title=’Update’ color=’blue’ border=” custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ size=’large’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue81e’ font=’entypo-fontello’] Reclaim Hosting no longer offers virtual servers except through direct contracts with organizations. For individuals who need a VPS we highly recommend [/av_notification] Up until now a lot of our announcements and indeed our core offering has been geared

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Ten Reasons to Reclaim #3: Ain’t Afraid of no Ghost

[av_notification title=’Update’ color=’blue’ border=” custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ size=’large’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue81e’ font=’entypo-fontello’] The complexity of hosting Ghost became too much to support and Reclaim Hosting no longer offers this service. We are exploring ways to bring this back in a sustainable fashion but for now, individuals who want to run Ghost are

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