
This space is a collection of company announcements and blog posts from Reclaim Hosting staff. We’re so happy you’re here!

Free and open professional development for summer

If you are looking for inspiration for the next academic year, or indeed carving out some time for your own professional development over the summer and you’re not sure where to start, help is at hand:

Develop Institutional Capability for Digital Education

Over the past ten years we&

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DS106Radio Summer Camp Schedule

Our open call for submissions resulted in a real bumper crop of submissions and we are excited to share a preview of the full conference schedule with you now!

Once you register, you will get access to an interactive event site which shows the full schedule for each day, starting

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Mid-month updates: July 2024

Hello and welcome to your quick mid-month summary of all things important and upcoming across our community:

Announcements and blog posts

Coming up: Client Portal Upgrades

On July 30th we’ll be upgrading our billing software and client management system. This blog post has all the

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Security PSA: User Monitoring & Phishing Awareness

With the rise of malicious vulnerabilities and threat activities targeting higher ed institutions, we want to remind everyone to be on the lookout for suspicious or unusual activity. Please keep an eye on your userlist and users, and if you notice anything concerning, reach out to Support immediately so we

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So… what’s a radio conference?!

Since we opened registration for our upcoming event, the DS106 Radio Summer Camp, folk have been getting in touch to ask what a radio-based conference might be and how it works to present and take part.

“We are familiar with the format of Reclaim Open or the Domains Conference,

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Team Reclaim

As Reclaim continues to morph, I ‘ve been thinking a bit about working teams. One of the real joys—and possibly under appreciated privileges—I’ve had professionally is being part of really amazing teams, which often translates to working with great people. … Continue reading

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Reclaim Roundup

Subscribe to Reclaim Roundup, our monthly newsletter, to stay up to date with Reclaim Hosting events, announcements, staff picks, and more. 

Join the Discord community

Say hello to the Reclaim Hosting instructional tech community on Discord! There we share resources and ideas, prompt larger discussions, and enjoy impromptu hangouts.

Upcoming Events

We’re always offering workshops for new admins, flex courses on various tech trends, and even monthly get togethers to share work happening in the community. Check out our Event Calendar for info.

Find us on Twitter
