
This space is a collection of company announcements and blog posts from Reclaim Hosting staff. We’re so happy you’re here!

Interminably Looped

Lately I find myself in in the unfortunate position of being nostalgic for my own thinking, perhaps a sign I’m in need of a change. Last year I had a conversation with the great Vanessa Gennarelli about ds106 and community … Continue reading

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API & Domains Summit

On June 3rd and 4th BYU and University of Utah will be co-hosting a two day unconference around APIs and Domains in Salt Lake City.  The idea is to join a bunch of folks who want explore how APIs can … Continue reading

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Building a Community instead of a Company

I tend to think that language and phrasing is a powerful indicator of priorities. The web hosting industry is filled with smoke and mirrors meant to obfuscate and confuse by way of jargon, smoke, and mirror. “No hidden fees” can easily appear next to a feature list that has at

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Scalar joins the Reclaim Installer Party

We’re super excited to announce that Scalar is now available to all Reclaim Hosting users and institutional partners via our automated installer in cPanel! Scalar is a free, open source authoring and publishing platform that’s designed to make it easy for authors to write long-form, born-digital scholarship online. Scalar enables users to

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Announcing Open Office Hours

Starting this week we’ll be having open office hours at Reclaim Hosting headquarters (ok, it’s the slightly disheveled office in my home, dream with me). This will happen this Thursday at 11AM EST and we hope to continue doing these every other week depending on demand. Open office hours are

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Myths of the Web Hosting Industry: 24/7 Support

If you’ve been with us for any length of time you’ll start to recognize that we do things a little differently around here. It’s not just that Reclaim Hosting “feels” like a different kind of company, in fact it becomes pretty obvious when comparing with our services and features with

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Allow me to introduce myself

My name is Tim Owens and I’m the co-founder of Reclaim Hosting and often the person you’ll be interacting with when you run into problems or need a helping hand. It never hurts to put a face to a name and there’s nothing that bugs me more than faceless corporations

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Reclaim Roundup

Subscribe to Reclaim Roundup, our monthly newsletter, to stay up to date with Reclaim Hosting events, announcements, staff picks, and more. 

Join the Discord community

Say hello to the Reclaim Hosting instructional tech community on Discord! There we share resources and ideas, prompt larger discussions, and enjoy impromptu hangouts.

Upcoming Events

We’re always offering workshops for new admins, flex courses on various tech trends, and even monthly get togethers to share work happening in the community. Check out our Event Calendar for info.

Find us on Twitter
