
This space is a collection of company announcements and blog posts from Reclaim Hosting staff. We’re so happy you’re here!

Ten Reasons to Reclaim #4: Towards better Discourse

[av_notification title=’Update’ color=’blue’ border=” custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ size=’large’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue81e’ font=’entypo-fontello’] The complexity of hosting Discourse became too much to support and Reclaim Hosting is sunsetting this offering. We are exploring ways to bring this back in a sustainable fashion but for now, individuals who want to run Discourse are encouraged

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Ten Reasons to Reclaim #5: Rewarding Passion

Have I mentioned how awesome of a community we have here at Reclaim? Maybe once or twice. But it’s true! Getting to know the folks who sign up here has been infinitely rewarding and the passion that this community shows for the idea of reclaiming your space online is empowering.

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Ten Reasons to Reclaim #6: Test Drive the Ferrari

It’s been a busy few days here as we gear up for the Spring by kicking off our series of Ten Reasons to Reclaim and announce a new feature every single day. If you’ve been following along you’ll have seen that we doubled the amount of storage on everyone’s plans, began to

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Ten Reasons to Reclaim #7: A Fresh Coat of Paint

I’ve always been pretty pleased with the interface we use here for our control panel (cPanel) but nevertheless it was starting to feel a bit outdated. It didn’t work well on mobile devices, which people are more and more using to access their accounts. Beyond that there has been a

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Ten Reasons to Reclaim #8: Free Migrations

One of the hardest parts of moving to a new host is getting domains transferred, all your files moved over, and the whole time you’re crossing your fingers hoping you managed to do it all correctly. Domain transfers are especially difficult because of all the rules and regulations surrounding how

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Ten Reasons to Reclaim #9: No Regrets

Stop me if you’ve heard this one. You’re finally ready to reclaim your space, you’ve got lots of ideas for how to build a portfolio of work and what software you might use. You’ve read up on all of the various hosting options and (naturally) picked Reclaim Hosting. And now

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Top Ten Reasons to Reclaim in Ten Days

The Fall semester has taken us all by storm and hopefully you’ve had a chance to see things start to quiet down (or perhaps you’re looking fondly at the calendar towards December when that might be a reality). We feel you and we also realize that folks are already starting

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Backups Done Right

One of the crucial elements to owning your own space online is the ability to tinker and play without fear that you will break something and be unable to fix it. Inevitably things go wrong on occasion and keeping regular backups of your content is highly advised (but that’s easier

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Reclaim Roundup

Subscribe to Reclaim Roundup, our monthly newsletter, to stay up to date with Reclaim Hosting events, announcements, staff picks, and more. 

Join the Discord community

Say hello to the Reclaim Hosting instructional tech community on Discord! There we share resources and ideas, prompt larger discussions, and enjoy impromptu hangouts.

Upcoming Events

We’re always offering workshops for new admins, flex courses on various tech trends, and even monthly get togethers to share work happening in the community. Check out our Event Calendar for info.

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