
This space is a collection of company announcements and blog posts from Reclaim Hosting staff. We’re so happy you’re here!

Where Reclaim’s Going

More than a year ago the idea of “reclaiming the web” started to congeal for me as a result of the MIT Hackathon I attended. It’s there where Audrey Watters and Kin Lane plugged me into the future of the web. During that two day stint we imagined a project called Reclaim

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cPanel Access in the Client Area

If I had to pin down the single greatest feature request in the past year that we’ve heard from clients it comes back to password management. Before today you had one password to sign up, another to login to cPanel, and then more passwords when you installed applications. We hear

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Updates to our Pricing Model

As many of you know, when we began Reclaim Hosting last summer we made the decision to run as a pilot for the first year offering domains at cost and charging nothing for hosting. We wanted to ensure this was both a service that people wanted to see as well

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Brand New Design

Reclaim Hosting got a fresh coat of paint today with a full site redesign including the client area. When we began Reclaim Hosting last summer our priority was getting the infrastructure up and running. With over 1,500 users after 1 year I can confidently say it has been (and continues

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Reclaiming Innovation

Yesterday the online version of the EDUCAUSE Review article Brian Lamb and I co-authored went live on the web. I’m really blown away by how much time and energy the good folks at EDUCAUSE Review spent on the web presentation. It looks … Continue reading

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A Long Day: Status Update on Yesterday’s Server Issues

Yesterday was admittedly a long day for me. Jim, Martha, and I were all traveling down to Atlanta to prepare for the Domain Incubator conference that Emory University is putting on Friday and Saturday. It’s an exciting opportunity to brainstorm how schools can use services like this (or DIY) to

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Reclaim Roundup

Subscribe to Reclaim Roundup, our monthly newsletter, to stay up to date with Reclaim Hosting events, announcements, staff picks, and more. 

Join the Discord community

Say hello to the Reclaim Hosting instructional tech community on Discord! There we share resources and ideas, prompt larger discussions, and enjoy impromptu hangouts.

Upcoming Events

We’re always offering workshops for new admins, flex courses on various tech trends, and even monthly get togethers to share work happening in the community. Check out our Event Calendar for info.

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