
This space is a collection of company announcements and blog posts from Reclaim Hosting staff. We’re so happy you’re here!

Reclaiming Your Addon Domains

Today’s entry in Reclaim Hosting’s #DocumentationDecember brings you a guide on how to set up and manage your addon domains! We’ll go over what an addon domain is, why it might make sense for you, and we’ll walk you… Read More

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Managing Databases with cPanel

cPanel Database Tools

cPanel includes several tools for managing databases in your account. The MySQL Database Wizard is a quick way to create databases, database users, and associate the two. The MySQL Databases area will show you all the databases and users you’ve created an help you manage the creation and deletion of

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Managing Databases with cPanel

cPanel includes several tools for managing databases in your account. The MySQL Database Wizard is a quick way to create databases, database users, and associate the two. The MySQL Databases area will show you all the databases and users you’ve created an help you manage the creation and deletion of

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Reclaim the Portfolio

A university contacted me earlier this week to see if we had anything their faculty might be able to play with in terms of portfolio solutions. Tim Owens created the amazing State University as a demo site for anyone interested experiencing what a Domain of One’s Own … Continue reading

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Folder Structures in cPanel

Top-Level Folder Structure

We utilize an industry-standard control panel for hosting called cPanel at Reclaim Hosting, which has a lot of great tools for managing your account. However one area that can be confusing is the folder and file structure of an account and what all those folders actually do.

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Folder Structures in cPanel

Top-Level Folder Structure

We utilize an industry-standard control panel for hosting called cPanel at Reclaim Hosting, which has a lot of great tools for managing your account. However one area that can be confusing is the folder and file structure of an account and what all those folders actually do.

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Importing Installations using Installatron

So I’ve been writing about some of the great features of Installatron that often go unnoticed like cloning and alternative backup options. Maybe those all sound like things you’d love to use, but you’re old school and have an install in your account from long before you knew Installatron was

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Importing Installations using Installatron

So I’ve been writing about some of the great features of Installatron that often go unnoticed like cloning and alternative backup options. Maybe those all sound like things you’d love to use, but you’re old school and have an install in your account from long before you knew Installatron was

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Reclaim Roundup

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Upcoming Events

We’re always offering workshops for new admins, flex courses on various tech trends, and even monthly get togethers to share work happening in the community. Check out our Event Calendar for info.

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