Author: Taylor Jadin

Building a Streaming and Recording setup for Reclaim Open

It’s been a long time coming, but I’m finally getting around to writing about Reclaim Open. Reading Tim’s post on his pinball streaming rig for Reclaim Arcade has inspired me to start with the streaming / recording setups we used for Reclaim Open and how that all came together! This post has become so long that I’m positive no one will read it, but hey it will be useful for me to look back on!

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Spinning Up an Even Older WordPress Site Using Docker Compose

Following up my last post, I realized that I wasn’t looking through the tags on Docker Hub properly, and the earliest version available as a pre-built container is actually WordPress 3.9!
I had to take a closer look at the logs and make some guesses, as it turns out the environment variable for pointing WordPress to the right database host is different, and its hard to find info on using 8 year old docker images, but I got it working:

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Spinning Up a Pretty Old WordPress Site Using Docker Compose

For reasons, I needed to spin up a very old WordPress site using Docker today. I’m writing this blog post mostly just to jot down the compose file so I have it handy in the future.
Digging through the oldest tags for the wordpress image on DockerHub it looked like 4.1 was the oldest version available, so I went with it. For the database, I went with the last version of MySQL version 5.

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To-do list for this site

I’ve got a whole list of improvements I want to make to this site coming off of Reclaim Open.
This blog is a static site made with hugo and of course hosted on Reclaim Hosting. If you are curious about how it works, I’ve done a stream and accompanying blog post about it:
My Hugo setup and how this blog works
☐ Pull in posts from Mastodon This is a big one, and will take some design and javascript work.

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Some notes on upgrading PostgreSQL in Docker

Here are some quick notes from helping Jim upgrade his Peertube instance from PostgreSQL 10 to PostgreSQL 13. uses Docker so actually changing Postgres versions is dead simple (basically just edit a number in the docker-compose.yml file and restart the containers) but we found out pretty quickly that you can’t just change the version of Postgres, and expect the database to still work.
First I cloned the environment and added Adminer to the docker-compose.

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A quick web UI for database management in docker-compose!

I have a lot of half-finished blog posts that I want to finish up soon coming back from both Reclaim Open and a week-long family vacation, but hey I might as well finish up this old draft as I used this trick yet again today. I’ve got to get the blog momentum going after a few month’s hiatus!
I work with docker and docker-compose very often for Reclaim Cloud stuff nowadays, and while I’m pretty comfortable with bind-mounts, docker volumes, and docker cp for getting files in and out of containers, doing serious things with databases still scares me a little.

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My multi-monitor, multi-computer, multi-os, working, streaming, recording, and gaming desk setup!

Today I did a stream talking all about my desk setup! I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, but after wrapping up the Reclaim EdTech OBS flex course, now felt like a good time.
The main trick with my setup is it’s designed to work with both my Macbook Pro, which I use for work and of course runs macOS, as well as my gaming PC, which runs Windows.

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My GIF making workflow with Final Cut and Gifski

File this in “blog it before I forget it.”
Recently I was making a GIF for Lauren based on an idea she had related to Multi-region WordPress Hosting. I have a bunch of different tools that I use when working with GIFs, and I sort of think of them in three categories:
Taking a pre-existing video and making it into a GIF Making tweaks to a pre-existing GIF Video editing tools If I had to break it all down the way I GIFs can be summed up into: Turn something in to a video, then turn that video in to a GIF.

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Running WriteFreely on Reclaim Cloud

Today I did a quick stream attempting to get WriteFreely working on Reclaim Cloud. WriteFreely is an interesting tool that I wanted to play with, and I was able to get things working with some poking around and help from Tim who was watching and pointed out a bind setting in the config.ini file. More on that below. Things kick off at around 2:51.
Basically, I followed the instructions on their install page with a few additions and caveats.

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Making an Owncast installer for Reclaim Cloud

Today I did a stream where I attempted to create an Owncast installer live in about an hour. I have used Owncast before, and used Jim’s blog post to set it up manually, but that’s mostly all the prep I had done beforehand. Having just come off of setting up a Mastodon installer, greatly helped as I learned a lot from that experience, and was able to re-use a lot of stuff from it.

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