Author: Taylor Jadin

Welcome Cass le Fay to Reclaim Hosting

We’re excited to announce another addition to the team at Reclaim! Cass le Fay recently joined Reclaim Hosting in the Escalated Support Specialist and Junior Systems Administrator position.

a photo of Cass

Cass has been in website hosting since 2018. He graduated from Tidewater Community College in Virginia Beach, VA with an

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Preserving sites for the long haul

Preserving websites and web content for the long haul is important to our team! CMS’s get updated, plugins go out of date, and PHP versions change, which means that your dynamic sites often need tending to over time. An essential aspect of preservation is thinking about how to

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Reclaiming our Socials!

We recently had the opportunity to lead a pre-conference workshop for the SUNY Digital Learning Conference. It was a great opportunity to discuss the work we’ve been doing around here to build our social presence and communication platforms on top of open-source tools. We were especially interested in

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What’s a Website?

Today my 4 year old asked me about what I was working on. And I said “I’m working on a project, a website.”
She then asked “What’s a website?”
🤯🤯🤯 … like of course she wouldn’t know that, but I had very little idea how to explain that to her! I also of course found the question hilarous. I said “it’s some thing that you use on a computer, phone, or tablet.

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Breaking WordPress with a simple plugin

I am prepping for next week’s Workshop for DoOO and WordPress Multisite Admins, and I wanted to create a plugin that could display an error page for the purposes of showing how to troubleshoot a broken WordPress site caused by a problematic plugi…

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Hacking on Owncast’s UI for ReclaimTV

One of my big goals for the year at Reclaim was to really beef up the video platform we use at Reclaim for our streams, as well as flex courses and workshops. We do publish stuff to YouTube, and we’re certainly not leaving that behind, but I wanted self-hostable and federated stuff like Peertube and Owncast to really feel like first-class citizens for us.
I think getting into all the tools we are using would and the surrounding workflow would be a good topic for another post, but for now I wanted to document how I’ve been customizing the UI of Owncast to fit our needs on reclaim.

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