Category: reclaim hosting

Reclaim the CSS Animation

It’s been a bit quiet around here recently. Between flying relatively solo on Reclaim Hosting support last week and fitting in some vacation time as well I’ve been fairly busy. That said, I’ve been meaning to play around with CSS … Continue reading

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Running a Jekyll Site on Reclaim Hosting

This weekend I decided to experiment with a feature we have enabled on some of our servers that is sort of an unsung hero for advanced users (so advanced I hadn’t taken the time to understand how it works!). Jekyll is a static site generator that has grown in popularity

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Running a Jekyll Site on Reclaim Hosting

This weekend I decided to experiment with a feature we have enabled on some of our servers that is sort of an unsung hero for advanced users (so advanced I hadn’t taken the time to understand how it works!). Jekyll is a static site generator that has grown in popularity

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Featured Applications | 04: Intercom

Make sure to check out the previous applications that have been featured:  Asana, Evernote & Slack. In regards to continuing the ‘Featured Applications’ series on this blog, I wanted to…

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