Category: Documentation December

Reclaiming Your Addon Domains

Today’s entry in Reclaim Hosting’s #DocumentationDecember brings you a guide on how to set up and manage your addon domains! We’ll go over what an addon domain is, why it might make sense for you, and we’ll walk you… Read More

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Reclaim the Portfolio

A university contacted me earlier this week to see if we had anything their faculty might be able to play with in terms of portfolio solutions. Tim Owens created the amazing State University as a demo site for anyone interested experiencing what a Domain of One’s Own … Continue reading

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Domain Mapping on Squarespace

Building on the domain mapping documentation I am putting together for Reclaim Hosting (my last post took you through Domain Mapping on GitHub), this post will take you through how to point your domain to Squarespace. After you connect your domain over at Squarespace … Continue reading

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Domain Mapping on GitHub

Over the last couple of weeks a number of requests have come in at Reclaim Hosting from folks who what to map their domain (or a subdomain) on another service. I’ve been writing about domain mapping for years on the bava, and I … Continue reading

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