Ten Reasons to Reclaim #7: A Fresh Coat of Paint

I’ve always been pretty pleased with the interface we use here for our control panel (cPanel) but nevertheless it was starting to feel a bit outdated. It didn’t work well on mobile devices, which people are more and more using to access their accounts. Beyond that there has been a great trend in software design to make things flat, clean, and clear. Along with modern web frameworks like Bootstrap, the writing was on the wall and it was time for a new look. That’s why I’m so excited about today’s Top Ten reason.

We’ve updated cPanel to integrate with our existing client area

[av_button label=’Test Drive Now!’ link=’manually,http://cpanel.reclaim.host/login?user=demouser&pass=demopass’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’x-large’ position=’center’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’]

Not only is this a redesign and fresh coat of paint that brings the theme inline with our existing portal area for current customers, but this is the next step for us at integrating the control panel for your site directly into that portal. We have a small handful of bugs to work out with it but everyone will receive the new design within the next week automatically and we plan to take the next step of integrating it more fully into the portal area where we do billing and client management already. We would love your feedback on the new look!
