Mukurtu joins the growing list of open source applications on Reclaim Hosting

We are pleased to announce the official release of our newest installation package on Reclaim Hosting, the Mukurtu CMS. Mukurtu is a grassroots project aiming to empower communities to manage, share, and exchange their digital heritage in culturally relevant and ethically-minded ways. In addition to a compelling platform, Mukurtu also offers open office hours and workshops and a demo site to take a test drive. You can also check out some wonderful examples of the software in use at their showcase. Huge thanks goes to Kim Christen Withey and Alex Merrill for their support and guidance to make this installer a reality. Mukurtu joins a growing list of custom open source applications at Reclaim Hosting focusing on education and digital humanities. We are committed to making a growing body of software available to an extensive audience of educators and practitioners through our platform and we are happy to welcome Mukurtu!
