Category: Preservation

Consolidating Workshop Event Sites

In preparation for exciting announcements about Instructional Technology at Reclaim Hosting, I thought it was finally time to consolidate past workshop event sites. If tinkering around on the web has taught me anything, it’s that if you’re not careful about how you are setting up digital projects from the start, …

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Thank You, BYU Domains

Last Summer, Jim and I met with the administrators of BYU domains, Nate Walton, Joe Hadfield, and Jason Renfro and were told that BYU and the Office of IT would be retiring the BYU Domains service at the end of December 2021. Reclaim Hosting has worked very closely with BYU …

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Reclaiming Archiving

I’m headed to Stanford University’s campus tomorrow morning to begin a two-day chat with a variety of authors, digital preservationists, and technologists to strategize and formulate tangible gameplans for preserving and archiving digital projects. Everyone in attendance will be bringing a different perspective to the table, and I’m very much looking forward to the conversations…

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Cleaning up Domains 17 with Sitesucker

It’s hardly news at this point, but Reclaim Hosting isn’t doing a Domains conference this year. We loved Domains 17 (and are currently mulling over a Domains 19) but we deemed 2018 as a gap year a couple months back. This has meant that the conference website,, was just sort of sitting there with content that…

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