Category: php

PHP Updates and Removals

It’s been almost 2 years since I last wrote about major PHP updates to Reclaim Hosting’s platforms. At the time the big move was setting our default PHP to 7.0. The transition from PHP 5.6 to 7.0 was perhaps the biggest breaking change of all and at

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PHP Updates and Removals

It’s been almost 2 years since I last wrote about major PHP updates to Reclaim Hosting’s platforms. At the time the big move was setting our default PHP to 7.0. The transition from PHP 5.6 to 7.0 was perhaps the biggest breaking change

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More PHP Updates

Traditionally Reclaim Hosting (like many hosts I’m sure) has trailed a bit behind on pushing bleeding edge versions of PHP for our clients. Maybe that’s a symptom of how much of the web still has a ways to go in terms of compatibility, but we want to start pushing things

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More PHP Updates

Traditionally Reclaim Hosting (like many hosts I’m sure) has trailed a bit behind on pushing bleeding edge versions of PHP for our clients. Maybe that’s a symptom of how much of the web still has a ways to go in terms of compatibility, but we want to start pushing things

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More PHP Updates

Traditionally Reclaim Hosting (like many hosts I’m sure) has trailed a bit behind on pushing bleeding edge versions of PHP for our clients. Maybe that’s a symptom of how much of the web still has a ways to go in terms of compatibility, but we want to start pushing things

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More PHP Updates

Traditionally Reclaim Hosting (like many hosts I’m sure) has trailed a bit behind on pushing bleeding edge versions of PHP for our clients. Maybe that’s a symptom of how much of the web still has a ways to go in terms of compatibility, but we want

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