Category: import

Using the Import/Export Tools in WordPress

Lately, I’ve been working with clients to move their website from to With this request, I use the Import/Export tools to move the content from one site to the other. This tool bundles the content on the site into a .zip file which you can then move to another location. Disclaimer: It isn’tRead more

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Importing Installations using Installatron

So I’ve been writing about some of the great features of Installatron that often go unnoticed like cloning and alternative backup options. Maybe those all sound like things you’d love to use, but you’re old school and have an install in your account from long before you knew Installatron was

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Importing Installations using Installatron

So I’ve been writing about some of the great features of Installatron that often go unnoticed like cloning and alternative backup options. Maybe those all sound like things you’d love to use, but you’re old school and have an install in your account from long before you knew Installatron was

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